
Showing posts from September, 2014

Hair Ingredients Good & Bad

There's always something good and bad in all things and hair ingredients is one of them. So becareful not to rob your hair of healthiness. I use sulfate free shampoo. Let me explain why? Bad Alcohol                           Isoproplyl alcohol                                                    SD Alcohol 40                                                Ethanol                                                                        Propyl               ...

When Artist Speaks What I've Gone Through

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Hair Talk

2nd day hair ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar (used to seal rinse) A hair type classification system. APL - Refers to length-- arm pit length. BAA -Big ass afro Baggy  - After you moisturize your hair at night, you put a shopping bag, plastic cap, shower cap on overnight. BC  - Big Chop - cutting off all your chemically treated hair BNC - Braid-n-Curl, simply plait or braid the hair and roll the ends on rods or flexis. BSL - Refers to length-- bra strap length. BSS - Beauty Supply Store CBL - Refers to length-- collar bone length. Co-Wash - Using conditioner to wash the hair in place of shampoo Cones - Are 'silicones', or ingredients found in hair care products that are not water soluble (i.e. you need shampoo to remove). Failure to wash out cones may lead to build-up, which may result in dry hair and breakage (due to suffocation of the strands). CG - Refers to the "Curly Girl" method explained in the book by Lorraine Massey. It is a philosophy for curls ...