Via Natural Argan Oil
March 20th, 2014 Thursday Yayyy! My shipment of Via Natural Argan Oil came today. March 13th, 2014 Used the last of my product and google this product because once its gone its gone from most bargain stores. My hair is more thick than the norm. I want to start using the Via Natural edge gel, not too many places sells it. Since my natural hair has been growing healthy and longer I want to create protective hair styles because I'm tired of twisting my hair. In May I will be wearing it down for my birthday. I happened to see these Argan Oil tubes for your hair by Via Natural which has natural ingredients and what stand out was argan oil that I frequently view on natural hair care Youtube videos. So why not give it a shot besides it was only a buck. I was surprised on how it felt on my natural hair, giving it immediate shine and it made my hair so soft giving it major slip. I only wish that I picked up more than just the two that I bought. I applied this natural oil after I was...